Daniel Riordan

Federal Law Enforcement

Daniel Riordan has 14years with U.S. Federal Law Enforcement and 15 years with the Army. 10 of those as a Counterintelligence Special Agent. Certified as a Use of Force Instructor through The Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection and Active Shooter Response Instructor. He is also Blue Badge qualified as an Army instructor and assisted at the basic, and advanced Counterintelligence Special Agent Course. He has taught intelligence studies at Valley Forge Military Academy and College. His specialties include Border Security, Surveillance (overt and clandestine), Threat Vulnerability Assessments, Interviewing / Debriefing, digital forensics and facilitating adult learning. Holds a U.S. issued Top Secret security clearance. Conducts formal analysis of risk vulnerability, including on-site reviews. Daniel can prepare mitigation plans and security improvement plans to address both external and internal vulnerabilities to meet client needs as well as conduct surveys to get feedback from members inside the organization.